After several years the SEPURA brand has been returned to the original manufacturers – BowmanStor.
Whilst Bowman has always produced the SEPURA range, the global brand had been marketed by another company. This agreement has now come to an end and it has allowed Bowman to take control of the brand and take SEPURA in a new direction.
Bowman intends to re-brand SEPURA and re-launch the all new website to enhance the product as an Air Compressor Condensate Separator containing the Bowman patented SILEXA filtration media - the only glass fibre carbon replacement material available.
The SEPURA brand will no longer be associated with any ancillary products and will now be used (as originally intended) as an oil-water separator, for cleaning condensate effluents prior to discharge to foul drainage.
There-launch of the SEPURA separator marks a new, improved approach to the marketing with a slight tweak to the logo and a total revamp for the website that will provide information and support to distributors and endusers across the globe.
Bowman is planning to roll out several Язык translations over the next twelve months to make the brand more Международные контактыly accessible along with the appointment of approximately 25 exclusive territory distributors.
SEPURA’s direction is now as clear as the condensate it treats...
Связаться с нами for information...Unit 25 Maybrook Ind Est. Maybrook Road, Walsall, West Midlands,WS8 7DG